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Business Assurance Frameworks Australia (BAFA) recognises that for a management system and assurance framework to deliver the business needs and outcomes, it must be specifically tailored for your business.


Our team has decades of experience and knowledge in management system development, implementation and maintenance, along with years of auditing experience across a wide range of industry and business sectors.


We are experienced external auditors in food safety and quality management systems and business assurance programs, including government provider programs and contracts. We have the skills, knowledge and strategies to ensure your System is specific to your industry, to your organisation and most importantly, that it is functional and practical.


We recognise your System needs to be embedded within the daily activities of your Company, it needs to be understood and become second nature to your staff. To deliver results it must be effective and accepted.


We will work with you and your staff to build a System that is right for you.  


Business Meeting


Let us help you get certified with our strategic three phase consultancy process suited specifically to your business, industry and customers.



Find the right solution for you as the team from BAFA offer specialist management system consultancy services and business assurance frameworks.

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